2024 will bring another solar eclipse. On April 8th, parts of Arkansas will see a total solar eclipse. Mississippi county will fall outside the path of totality, which means we will not get to see the sun totally eclipsed. Though, that doesn’t mean we won’t see any of the eclipse or that we can’t have a fun time with it!
The MCLS has partnered with Mississippi County 4H to bring the Central Arkansas Astronomical Society to the Osceola Public Library. We invite you to join us there on March 11 for a program in preparation for the eclipse. There will be two programs taking place, the first will be at 3:30pm for children and families, and the second will be an adult focused program at 5:00pm.
At the youth program, you can expect to learn why eclipses happen, how to safely view the solar eclipse on April 8th and what it will look like. The Astronomical Society has planned some hands-on activities to go along with the presentation.
In the adult focused program, the presentation will focus more on the history of solar eclipses in Arkansas, why they occur, and of course, the safest way to view a solar eclipse.
Presenters on behalf of the Central Arkansas Astronomical Society include Carl Freyaldenhoven and Darcy Howard. Freyaldenhoven, a retired science teacher, has experience with seven solar eclipses and is a NASA Parter Eclipse Ambassador. Howard is a retired science illustrator with interests in eclipses and solar astronomy and is also a NASA Partner Eclipse Ambassador. We are excited to learn more about solar eclipses and hope you will join us for this program at the Osceola Public Library!
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