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Shelf Talk 54: Halloween with Your MCLS

Bari Collard

October is deemed “spooky season” by those who enjoy Halloween and all its perks. Visiting haunted houses, telling scary stories, watching scary movies, carving jack-o-lanterns, attending costume parties, and going Trick-or-Treating are all examples of fun Halloween festivities to get into the spooky season spirit. While we don’t host any haunted attractions, your public libraries can help you celebrate in other ways. Your MCLS is home to fiction horror, thriller, and suspense books. One of our most popular authors in the fiction horror genre is Stephen King. We have roughly 200+ titles written by King alone in our collection. The Goosebumps series by R.L. Stein is good for our younger readers who enjoy scary plots. If you prefer reading on your device or listening to e-books instead of reading a physical book, Libby is an app that is perfect for you! Libby has thousands of titles available under horror, thriller, and suspense novels. All you need to access Libby is your MCLS issued library card. Our library system is not only home to various titles of spooky books, but we also have several movies available for check out as well. Popular titles like The Visit and Conjuring 3, can be found in our collection. We also have Bone Chilling Horror: 10-Movie Collection, which features titles including Friday the 13th, The Ring, The Haunting, What Lies Beneath, Paranormal Activity, The Uninvited, Stephen King’s Graveyard Shift, The Devil Inside, The Ruins, and Case 39. This DVD is just what you need for a scary movie marathon. Halloween is a holiday that carries these fun traditions and allows people to come together. The origin of these traditions and the meaning behind the holiday is something that sparks the interest of some but turns others away. Some interpretations can be controversial. For those who are interested, we encourage you to visit our non-fiction section of your local MCLS location and learn for yourself what the meaning of Halloween and its infamous traditions are, whether they be lore or fact. Don’t forget about your library this spooky season. With books to help you get ideas to tell the scariest stories and movies to keep you up all night, we’ve got you covered! If there's a movie or book we don’t already have in our collection, like always you can request that it be added. Enjoy Halloween and be safe while celebrating!

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